A Visit from the Iceland Squad
September 01, 2015
Yesterday, we had the honor of being visited by the Icelandic Ambassador to Germany, the Commercial Counselor, and the Counselor to the Embassy here in Berlin.
We’re not an exclusively Icelandic studio, no no. We’re certainly an international team, but it’s nice to have the blessing from people you respect no matter of their nationality.
During their visit, we had the opportunity to talk about our history, about our mutual friends (Iceland is a small country), show off ReRunners, and speak Icelandic, naturally.
Secretly, we were hoping that they would bring Kleina (Icelandic pastry) with them, like most meetings in Iceland, although Club Mate worked just as well, like most meetings in Berlin.
It was a pleasure to meet them and to have their continued support!
Image: (From Left to Right - Gunnar Snorri Gunnarsson, Icelandic Ambassador to Germany; Ruth Bobrich, Commercial Counselor; Auður Edda Jökulsdóttir, Counselor to the Embassy; Oddur; Ívar; Mundi)