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We Had A Playtest! It Was Awesome!

October 5th, 2022

Another playtest down and it was one for the books! This time we asked our playtesters to test Desires, Influences & Needs, and Machine Management of our game SEED. As is the case with every playtest, we were blown away by our amazing community of playtesters, both their passion and ability. Here are some highlights from the playtest:

Playtester Runs SEED On Linux

It might be an understatement to say we were shocked on the first day of the playtest when we realized that one playtester, who goes by the name Bjerg, was able to run SEED on Linux. The reason this was so surprising is because Linux is an operating system that we don’t currently support! Ultimately, we ruled out our initial hypothesis that this playtester is a magician and we are currently looking into how this happened. Luckily, in order to help us solve this mystery, Bjerg sent us their log files so we can take a deeper look into it. Thanks Bjerg!

More Players, More Time!

In a fun turn of events, the decision was made to extend the playtest over the weekend! This meant that we let the playtest run all weekend on our servers without supervision (some might call it the wild-west of Avesta). You may remember us extending a playtest or two in the past, as this isn’t the first time that we have done this. That’s why we say: if it ain’t broken, don’t shut down the playtest! The servers almost lasted through the weekend, but crashed on Sunday. Our tech wizards are currently investigating why, as well as how to make them more stable for the next playtest.

Another very unplanned playtest development was the fact that 26 extra people were able to login to what was supposed to be our 100 player playtest! Although this threw off the balance of the playtest a bit, we were happy that 26 more people got to join in the fun! Nevertheless we will look into why our gates are not as sturdy as we thought they were.

Debut Of The Newhaven News Network (NNN)

We are excited to announce that, during the first day of our playtest last week, Klang got a broadcast from Avesta: SEED Industries had established the 'Newshaven News Network', authored by a certain FGValera (ifyouknowyouknow). This was done to help give players an overview into what is happening on Avesta day by day, including important information like how many times SEED’s famous ducks were petted during the playtest. This meant that we got an issue each of the three days of the playtest! In the future, we hope that NNN, or another similar publication, will be in the hands of the players themselves, and that they will take on the role of keeping everyone up to date on the current events of Avesta (not to mention sharing gossip and confirming rumor and hearsay!).

Unfortunately, we can’t fit all of the great things that happened last week in this one blog post. From using our new studio for the playtest livestreams, to all new bugs found by playtesters, we can say without a doubt that it was a very fruitful playtest! We’d like to give a big thank you to everyone that was involved. We couldn’t do it without you!

Happy 7 Years Rainer!
John’s 4 Year Anniversary!
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